News — painting classes in roswell ga
Learn To Paint And Draw - Roswell, GA.
painting classes in roswell ga
Jill Saur

Fine Art Painting Classes in Roswell, GA. "Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the harmonies, the soul is the piano with many strings, The artist is the hand that plays, touching one key or another, to cause vibrations in the soul. - Wassily Kandinsky Talk about causing vibrations in the soul, check out these awesome painting by my students. If you've experienced the fun of a painting party and you'd like to join a class to learn more about how to draw and paint, please consider signing up for one of my weekly fine art classes. Read what my...
Painting Classes in Roswell, GA.
Painting Classes in Roswell GA.
Jill Saur

"Sometimes, if you want to really see, first you need to close your eyes." - Jill Saur THIS IS A POST FROM SEVERAL YEARS AGO. I COULDN'T RESIST! So, I've been studying the lives of several amazing artists who are blind. They find great success with their work through feeling deeply and using physical touch to identify the size and shape of what they're drawing and painting. Since I've been talking with my students about not being a slave to their photograph that they're working from, and because I want everyone to connect more with what they're doing, I...
Painting Classes in Roswell, GA.
painting classes in roswell ga
Jill Saur

When I'm painting, it's a time for me to silence the part of my mind that gets in the way of me being who God intended me to be as an artist. The act of painting transforms me to another world, a better world, a place where creativity and peace flow like a sparkling river. If you find yourself sitting down to paint and worrisome thoughts want to take over, don't give up. Stay with it and you'll find yourself slipping into a very wonderful place. Art truly is therapy for the soul! Please enjoy these wonderful finished works created a...
Painting Classes In Atlanta, GA.
art classes in roswell ga painting classes atlanta painting classes in alpharetta ga painting classes in roswell ga
Jill Saur

"While talent or genius must exist, at best they are merely embryonic factors and no one can guide these into productive artistry without the initiative, perseverance and determination of the student. To say that the artist is born and not made, is only partly true. Actually, while it is an important qualification, there is no proof of real worth in talent until it has been developed and expanded by a tremendous amount of serious study and plain hard work." - Edgar Payne Please enjoy these wonderful works created several years ago by my industrious, creative, and awesome students! It's so...
Art Classes, Roswell, GA.
art classes in roswell ga painting classes atlanta painting classes in alpharetta ga painting classes in roswell ga
Jill Saur

ART CLASSES IN ROSWELL, GA. After a break in teaching, I'm happy to announce that I'll be resuming teaching art classes in January. I've missed my students and all the wonderful interactions, as well as watching people grow in their artistic journeys. Whether you're a former student or someone who's interested in learning to draw or paint, I'd love for you to visit my website to learn more about what I'm doing. Some of the mediums that I'll be teaching are; drawing, acrylic painting, solvent-free oil painting, watercolor painting, and gouache painting. I'll be teaching three classes a...