What do 500,000 brushstrokes on a canvas look like? If you're working on a 36"x48" canvas and painting a grizzly bear, this is what it looks like. My latest finished acrylic bear painting is titled, "Noble Encounter." What a thrilling experience to have worked on the rendering of such a magnificent creature!
I've already shipped him out to Snowmass, Colorado, where he's resting comfortably over a beautiful fireplace. I'll be posting information real soon on how to order a reproduction on canvas of this majestic bear.
Here are just a few words from my client who now owns the original: "Wow, wow, wow, loving our new bear. Jill, By the way, a very special part of my morning, and part of what gets me out of bed, is going downstairs and turning on the light which illuminates my bear painting, and just taking it in. Really special. Thanks!"

Painted on My Brand New Hughes Easel